A comprehensive guide to getting good Google reviews

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How to Get More good Google Reviews: A Comprehensive Prioritized Guide

 1. The basics… Provide Review-Worthy Service, experience or product.

  • Before implementing any strategies, ensure your business offers a stellar service, experience or product deserving of positive reviews. Customer satisfaction is the foundation of a successful review strategy and obviously of a successful business

2. Make Sure Users Can Leave Reviews

  • Create and optimize your Google My Business (GMB) page. Many businesses overlook this crucial step. Register, fill out all information, and verify your page. A solid GMB profile is the starting point for collecting reviews.

3. Make it Easy to Leave a Review – Use Cards & QR Codes to Link to Review Pages:

  • Utilize QR codes on promotional material, receipts, or any visible locations. This passive method encourages users to leave reviews by providing a direct link when scanned.
  • Better, use SmartReview.app Cards, they have a NFC tag that allow the review page to open by simply approaching a mobile phone and they also have a QR code at the back.
  • Streamline the review process by providing a direct link to the review page. Minimize clicks needed to reach the review form, as each additional step may deter potential reviewers.

4. Ask!

  • Actively seek reviews by directly asking your satisfied customers. The SmartReview.app Card is perfect for that, you have it in your pocket at all times, so should your staff ! Another idea is to stick a tag (a very small & discreet version of the card) to the payment terminal and ask (satisfied customers) at the moment they are paying.
  • Leverage social media accounts and newsletters to encourage honest reviews.

5. Address Negative Reviews Quickly and Personally

  • Respond promptly and personally to negative reviews. Avoid deleting them, as transparency is crucial. Encourage dissatisfied customers to contact customer service, showcasing a commitment to resolution.
  • A personalised thank you response is also always appreciated ! 

6. Encourage Public Testimonials

  • Turn positive comments into public testimonials, publish them on your website. Ask customers to post their positive reviews on Google too ! and other review sites, bringing private praise into the public eye.

7. Add a CTA via Your Newsletter

  • Leverage your newsletter by adding a call-to-action and a link to your Google profile in the footer. Engage your mailing list audience, who are already familiar with your products or services. For this the Zaags App has  a great function allowing to “join” your community (the app is free and can be created in seconds here)

8. Review Partners and Other Businesses:

  • Less efficient and quite consuming but worth doing nevertheless: Establish partnerships within your industry and leave reviews on their pages. Occasionally, businesses may reciprocate, enhancing your business relationships and increasing your reviews.

9. Avoid Buying or Faking Reviews:

  • Note: Prioritize authenticity over quantity. Avoid purchasing or faking reviews, as savvy users can recognize inauthentic feedback. Such reviews will make potential clients distrust you, you have more to loose. Genuine reviews contribute to a trustworthy online presence.

By following these prioritized steps, you can build a robust strategy for acquiring more Google reviews while maintaining authenticity and credibility


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